The texts in this blog are published with their original spelling and grammar. No comments and teacher feedback are included.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Thrillers for young adults

(Review by Laura Dambolena)

“Zombies. Encounters with the hungry dead” is John Skipp’s recollection of dread tales, which includes “Dead men working in the cane field”, a short story written by W. B. Seabrook, the zombies-of-the-old-school-tales author. This particular text belongs to a series by Seabrook himself in which he goes to Haiti to understand the country’s folklore. One night, his host, a peasant called Polynice tells Seabrook a well-known Haitian history about some men brought, from afar, by a man who send them to work for low salaries in a cane field. Polynice suspects them to be zombies, as he saw something strange in them he cannot define. The protagonist does not believe in supernatural events so he looks for a very reputed scientific who says that the story may be truth.

The book, with its dreadful bloody cover design, promises, from the very beginning, all the adventure teenagers are seeking for. “Dead men...” in particular deals with several issues: the fact–fiction dichotomy, the “romantic” concept of death, cultural differences, folklore, reincarnation, and mystery, among others. It is highly recommended for young adults from thirteen to seventeen years old. They will find this tale very interesting as the story develops a scary thriller, leaving teenagers with a dilemma in an unexpected and surprising open-ending.


Angélica said...

I think you've managed to use the adequate vocabulary and structures for this task.
However, some there are some things I'd like to point out:
-the introduction is a bit longish and too detailed. The first sentence needs to be paraphrased so the importance is given to the title of the story which is being reviewed. As it is now is pretty confusing.
-the last paragraph is almost perfect. I feel the word "develops" breaks the flow of reading, perhaps it doesn't collocate so well.

Well done!!

Anonymous said...

thanks angi!!!
now that you pointed that thing about the intro I could realize about the mistake. the way you say it should have been makes sense!
but you know I speak a lot! that´s why I write a lot too!!! jajaja!!

Natalia Diquech said...

It is a nice review!! Still, the first part is a bit messy. As Angelica said, the first sentence needs to be paraphrased in order to make clear the title of the story.
What I like the most is the conclusion. It is very well written. Congrats!!!!

Meli said...

Lau!!you have written a very good review!I think that the introduction is long, perhaps you could have written a shorter one and you could have added a second paragraph with some details. As regards the first sentence, it is a bit confusing so I agree with Angelica and Naty. it needs to be paraphrased.
you have done a great work!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura, I liked your review. However, there are some things to point out.
The first sentence is too long. I would cut it after the word "field" and I would paraphrase the rest of the sentence in order to make it shorter and easy to understand.
In Line 8, the verb "send" needs and "s" and in line 9 the verb "saw" should go in the present tense as the rest of the verbs.



I liked your review!! Your conclusion is very clear.

Anyway, I think, as the rest of my partners, that the introduction is very long and confusing.
There are some things to take into consideration. In line 3, zombies-of-the-old-school-tales should be between inverted commas.
In line 6, there should be a comma after Polynice.
Finally, I have a doubt. In line 7, I think you meant a "Haitian Story" or am I mistaken?


Anonymous said...

hi ivanna!!! do u know what??? while I was writing the review I got stuck about story or history... it is a story about history... ¿¡!? jajjajaa!!!
and thank u all for the comments, I cannot ixplain myself in less words... u know me... but I'll try to do better next time...
c u


jajajaja!! What a particular thing! Well, so perhaps I was mistaken.
You did it quite well!
See you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura, I liked your review. However, there are some things to point out.
The first sentence is too long. I would cut it after the word "field" and I would paraphrase the rest of the sentence in order to make it shorter and easy to understand.
In Line 8, the verb "send" needs and "s" and in line 9 the verb "saw" should go in the present tense as the rest of the verbs.
I've forgotten to sign my comments!! haha

Anonymous said...

I like your review but I agree with our mates about the introduction,it is a bit long. Try to re organize your ideas. I know you think many things at the same time but I’m sure you can improve it.


Laura said...

thanks for your coments! I`ll try to put them into practice nex time...