The texts in this blog are published with their original spelling and grammar. No comments and teacher feedback are included.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Good Parts (review)

Les Daniels
( review by Nieto Nancy)

The Good Parts is an amazing story written by the well known American author Les Daniels in 1989. It is part of a collection of stories which have been compiled in a zombi horror anthology edited by Jhon Skipp. The captivating story is directed to young people and adults who enjoy reading about zombies. Besides The Good Parts deals openly with issues about love, sex, paternity, maternity, pregnancy among others. These topics offer teachers many opportunities for interesting discussions and debates.since teenagers and adults may share their experiencies or appreciate new ones.

The Good Parts is a story about a big and virgin zombie who had only eyes for the meat. He would have been expressed that though in three words: the good parts. Throughout the story the strange walking dead looks for food all the time, but he only finds a female who will be his wife and mother of his son, later.

This work is interesting because Les Daniels uses many adjectives to describe the context and the characters in order to inmerse the readers in the horror story. As regards length is short to motivate them to finish the short fiction. This story presents an opportunity to young and adult people to reflect about life itself. It is highly recommended.


Angélica said...

This review is clear but it would be perfect if it were shorter. The description of the events in the story is too detailed.
Less is more!!!

Anonymous said...

hi nancy!
I liked your review very much!

Natalia Diquech said...

Hi! I liked your review! However, there are some commas missing that affect understanding.

Florencia Villaverde said...

Hi nancy, I also liked your review but I agree with Angelica. I think that there are too many details as regards the events of the story. You could have avoided some details and it would still be understandable.

Paula said...

Hi Nan, I liked you review. I agree with the girls about the missing commas and some capital letters but it is still a good one.

Nancy said...

Thanks Angelica for your comment, I will follow your advice the next time!