The texts in this blog are published with their original spelling and grammar. No comments and teacher feedback are included.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Lemon knives'n'cockroaches (review)

Lemon knives´n´cockroackes is a science fiction story written by Carlton Mellick. The story deals with themes such as: sexuality, depression, death and freedom. These topics may adolescents fell identified with.

The story is about a fictional world in which creatures and zombies are the main characters of strange experiences.

One point to consider is that the narrator gives creatures and insects human feelings and emotions, and this can be perceive by readers through the vocabulary and adjectives used by the author.

Another point to take into account is that the author´s descriptive writing produces a sharp sensation on readers since they can picture the story in their minds.

The short story is bizarre but it will hold teenager´s attention since it is focused on young adults possible interests when choosing some reading material.


Angélica said...

Good review!! A bit too longish for my taste. Check this sentence, it doesn't seem to be ok!!!

"These topics may adolescents fell identified with."

Laura said...

good review andrea!
anyway, there is something weird in the last sentence in the part that says: "... when choosing ..." I would have finished it in "interests"

Pilar said...

Good review An!!!!!