The texts in this blog are published with their original spelling and grammar. No comments and teacher feedback are included.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Call me doctor (review)

Eric Shapiro
(Review by Heredia Paula)

Call me doctor by Eric Shapiro is one of the short fictions that appear in the anthology "Zombies: Encounters with the Hungry Dead" (2009).

The american producer and writer Eric Shapiro explores a different way to tell a zombie story. By placing a perceptive doctor as the main character, no one would suspect about his strange conduct. This doctor is not as any doctor, he has a different quality that makes him special in a differet way.

Alhough it is a science fiction story, its setting is quite realistic and descriptive. Directed to an adult or young adult audience, we can see how the main character deals with several feelings at the same time.This includes death, murder, crime and remorse.

Shapiro´s narrative is intriguing and full of details. The script is concise and some times confusing. It describes the deep and dark thoughts of the character in an explicit way.

I founded this story very surprising even though I am not fond of zombie stories. But if you are interested to read zombie fiction that shows humans and zombies coexisting in the same world, this is a good example to read.


Angélica said...

Very good review. Although too long for my taste, it gives a clear image. Careful with some serious mistakes in the last paragraph!!!

Ivanna Palazzetti said...

I agree with Angelica. This is a very good review! But there are some mistakes at the end. Careful with that!

Guadalupe said...

The review is good. Careful with prepositions!

Paula said...

Thank you for your comments, I will take into account your recommendations!

laura said...

hi pau! I liked your review. longish but interesting. good try!