The texts in this blog are published with their original spelling and grammar. No comments and teacher feedback are included.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Chicken soup for the soul

(Review by Pablo Barroca)

'Chicken soup for the soul'  by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Patty Hansen is an entertaining and educative short-short stories book for either children and adults. It contains 101 short-short stories that will touch the reader´s heart. Every story is introduced by an epitah according to the topic and then a wonderful story begins. The style of language is the adequate for young children since they do not present obscene words. The illustrations at the beginning of each section are funny and colourful, and they are accompained with a joke at the bottom of the page. 'Chicken soup for the soul' is higly recommendable for all ages because not only will teach the readers a moral with every short-short story but it will also entertain them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have the book, so if say it's good, I will read it during the hollidays! haha.