The texts in this blog are published with their original spelling and grammar. No comments and teacher feedback are included.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Lazarus (review)

Leonid Andreyev
(Review by Silvina Rago)

Written by the Russian Leonid Nicolayevich Andreyev, this magnificent short story conveys pessimism to perfection. Having returned from death, Lazarus is welcomed by his relatives and friends who will soon notice he is no longer the same person.

Open to political and religious discussions, Lazarus’ content and writing style ensure a thorough and delightful reading. Andreyev has expertly personified death and will undoubtly engage those readers who love short fiction stories.

Worth every minute of it, I highly recommend it.


Angélica said...

A masterpiece!!! Hahahah!!!
Through clear language and not so complicated sentences you've managed to give me a perfect picture!!! Careful with 3rd person singular!!!

Anonymous said...

hi sil! very good review!!!
I liked it a lot! still, I agree with angelica about the 3rd person but congrats!

Silvina Rago said...

Thank you girls! But i'm not able to find my mistake. :S
Please, don't hesitate to write it down! And i'll be glad to correct it!

Angélica said...

Perhaps the confusion is here:

"Lazarus’ content and writing style ensure"

because you can think, as I did, that content and writing style is taken as a unit.

Anonymous said...

Silvina, Your review is perfect! I can't find the mistake that the others are mentioning. Congratulations, good work! ;) Patricia

andrea said...

hi sil!!!!!I think that your way of writing is very interesting.I like the begining of you review,it called my, congreatulations!!!!!!!!

andrera said...
