The texts in this blog are published with their original spelling and grammar. No comments and teacher feedback are included.

Friday, May 13, 2011

IT (review)

By theodore Stirgeon
Review by Gisela Koval

“Do dead things live again?” is the questions that led the American science fiction writer Theodore Sturgeon to write “It”. This tale is included in “Zombies: Encounters with the hungry dead Horror”, a collection of horror fiction stories. “It” is the story of a farmer family, who unknowing the existence of a living thing in the near forest, go on with their monotonous lives. The disappearing of their beloved dog kimbo will let them go into the woods and will expose them to the chilliest events as soon as they face the death itself.

“IT” is story filled with enjoyable terror, cold fear, suspense, intense descriptions of facts, and a catching plot . The readers will experience horror while reading “It”. Highly recommended for teens and young adults who don’t believe in “bad fella” any more. But after reading “It”… Who can assure it.


Angélica said...

Quite an accomplished reviewer!!!

Just two things:
- " “It” is the story of a farmer family, who unknowing the existence of a living thing in the near forest, go on with their monotonous lives." I think this sentence can have some grammar or reference mistakes:

"farmer family", "family of farmers" or "farmer's family" ?

"who unknowing...forest, go..." or "who, unknowing...forest, go..."?

Other than that, the rest is successful as far as I'm concerned.

Anonymous said...

Hi angelica! I think it should be family of farmers... because that is not the surname of it...
the sentence you are referring to I think should be like this: "IT is the story of a family of farmers who go on with their monotonous lives, unknowing.... near forest where they live" or something like that...
gise! although what I pointed at the beginning I think your review was great. With that last sentence that lets people wandering about something...

Anonymous said...

hi Gisela, For me your review is perfect!. As regards the phrase "farmer family" I think that "farmer" fuctions as a modifier of family, so it tells us what kind of family it is. Patricia

Anonymous said...

It's a very good piece of writing. Only two things to say:
1-I agree with laura,the best opcion is "a family of farmers."
2- Don't forget the indefinite article in this frase:“IT” is story filled with enjoyable terror...
