The texts in this blog are published with their original spelling and grammar. No comments and teacher feedback are included.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The dead gather on the bridge to Seattle (review)

Review by Giselle Albim

The dead gather on the bridge to Seattle is an extraordinary story by the editor and publisher of experimental poetry Adam Golaski. His horror and science fiction stories may captivate you since the very beginning you start reading one of his pieces of writing. The dead gather on the bridge to Seattle is a very well described story which allows the reader to be in Roger’s foot, a desperate brother who drives for hours in order to see his ill sister.

The setting of the story is the route from Decker to Seattle, which the main character takes after receiving a phone call from Viviana’s husband, his sister. A meteor shower amuses Roger while he is facing weird people and animals all along the gloomy way. Golaski is so good at describing facts, that you can not even imagine what is really taking place during Roger’s travel. Among desperate cell-phone-calls, situations that have no logical explanation, and some dismal gas stations, hours in the route are passing by including the quirky stuff around him.

Although I was able to feel as if I were the one driving that lonely route and was looking the lustrous pinkish sky. It is not a highly recommendable story if you are of those who wish to know all the details at the end of the story, because in this one, at the moment of closure you may find a surprise that depends on you enjoy it or not.


Angélica said...

Great review!!
At the beginning I was convinced I should read it... but you spoiled the end!!! Shorter sentences may be needed at the end, to make the conclusion clearer.

Anonymous said...

hi gise!
I agree with angelica but anyway, good try!

Anonymous said...

Thank you girls! Anyway I feel that I need particular corrections instead of critics. I consider it a good way to learn, maybe it sounds behavioristic..but I grew with that method hahaha
Thank you again and if you can add something I will be glad!
See you, Giselle

Lopez Agustin (Gaudi) said...

Hi Giselle.
I will try to give you that 'behaviouristic' correction you expect from us.

First of all, I agree with those people who say the conclusion paragraph is not clear. It sounds rather ambiguous to me. I mean,Would you recommend it or not?!I cannot see your point.

Then, if you start the idea with 'Altough' you need a contrasting idea in the same sentence. eg: 'Although I need glasses, I will not use them'.

Correct my review!! :P

Anonymous said...

Thank you Agus! I will have your corrections into account!
See you!

Pilar said...

Hi Gi!!!!
I agree with you, we learn through corrections nor critics. I agree with Agus about the conclusion. Anyway; Good try Gi!!!!